Special thanks !
We wanted to publicly thank our partners for the help given to us in the development of our project of contesting station at FY5KE.
- REF, the national association for amateur radio in France, which hosted this website.
OM7ZZ @ microHam, who is a very nice guy selling many interesting products for contesting.
- Astro Radio, dealer of ham radio products in Spain (Ameritron, MFJ, …).
- PALSTAR, High quality Amateur Radio products from USA (Wattmeters, Antenna Tuners, Antenna Analyser, Filters, Dummy Loads …).
- OM Power, HF power amplifiers, made in Slovakia.
- WX0B, OUTSTANDING Radio Products ! ICE Filters Distributor.
- Win-Test ! Yes, it is us, but it helps us so much that one could not make differently than speaking about it here !